Monday, 19 June 2017

Oren Sport Catalogue

Catalogue Download


Have our latest catalogue with you now in handy PDF file!

Vol.16 2017 Collection (18.3 MB)Vol.15 2016 Collection (18.4 MB)Vol.14 2015 Collection (33.5 MB)


Thanks for your e-mail, Whatsapp 010 3425 700, Below abouts our business:

The best way, please call us 010 3425 700 to rush quotation,
Dear Valued Customer,  we are truly appreciated your effort we expecting suggestions and feedback for improvement for our services.

Creeper Creative Showroom & Factory

No 42 A, Jalan PJU 10/10D, Saujana Damansara, Damansara Damai,

47830 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.  Tel : 0361480154; 036143 5225

09:00 to 18:00 (
Saturday 09:00 to 13:00 & Sunday Close)

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Tips Pemilihan Kemeja Korporat

Kemeja korporat bukan hanya sekadar sehelai pakaian harian yang biasa. Ia mampu memberi impak terhadap penampilan ke pejabat, menghadiri mesyuarat penting mahupun majlis formal. Namun tak ramai di antara kita tahu memilih kemeja korporat yang sesuai untuk aktiviti harian di pejabat. Perlu diingat, setiap orang mempunyai bentuk tubuh dan personaliti berbeza, dan ini membuatkan seseorang itu kelihatan berbeza. Banyak perkara yang perlu kita tahu tentang sehelai kemeja korporat. Ini termasuklah kualiti, stail dan perinciannya. Tips berikut membantu kita semua memilih sehelai kemeja korporat yang tepat.

1. Warna
Kombinasi warna yang sesuai dalam kemeja korporat amat penting untuk menjaga imej korporat syarikat. Kebanyakan syarikat2 membuat pemilihan warna berdasarkan warna korporat masing-masing. Untuk mendapatkan kemeja korporat yang kasual dan menarik, pemilihan warna mesti kurang daripada 3 warna utk mendapatkan kemeja korporat yang menarik.

2. Fabric

Kebanyakan pelanggan masih tertanya-tanya tentang pemilihan fabric yang sesuai dalam
membuat kemeja korporat. Pemilihan fabric yang betul amat penting dalam menentukan keselesaan kepada si pemakai. Terdapat 3 jenis fabric yang popular pada masa kini yang sering digunakan iaitu:

i) Comb Cotton
Kain jenis ini mudah dibasuh,lembut,tahan lama,sejuk dan selesa dipakai. Keburukan cotton ialah ianya cepat melebar dan warnanya cepat hilang dibawah cahaya matahari. Pakaian sukan dan pakaian kanak-kanak disarankan memilih kain jenis ini.
ii) Viscose
Viscose mempunyai rupa seperti sutera dan rasa, ia bernafas seperti kapas dan mempunyai baik 'drape.' Ia agak ringan, mengakibatkan dalam pakaian ringan.

iii) Poly Soft

Poly Soft mempunyai sedikit reputasi buruk, tetapi fabrik Poly Soft kdg2 mempunyai rasa agak bagus. Kelebihan adalah bahawa ia adalah kuat dan tahan Kusut, pakaian Poly soft itu mengekalkan bentuk mereka agak baik. Anda sering akan mendapati Poly soft dicampur dengan kapas untuk membantu kapas mengekalkan bentuknya dan mencegah ia dari kedutan (ini dikenali sebagai harta tekan 'tetap').
Poly Soft adalah berdaya tahan dan tahan kerosakan biologi, ia memakai cukup baik dan mudah untuk mencuci.
Kain Polysoft 100% sebenarnya agak lembut dan licin.

3. Design/ Reka Bentuk

Pemilihan design yang betul menambahkan lagi daya tarikan kepada si pemakai. Design kemeja korporat yang simple dan unik amat penting dalam menentukan identiti korporat sesebuah syarikat. Ramai pelanggan tidak berani bermain dengan kemeja korporat yang mempunyai pelbagai design. Kemeja bercorak membenarkan kita mencipta stail tersendiri dan disuaipadankan dengan aksesori tertentu. Kemeja bercorak dengan latar belakang putih biasanya lebih formal berbanding yang berwarna. Kemeja dengan corak garisan juga lebih sesuai untuk sesuatu upacara.

4. Saiz

Perkara penting yang mesti anda tahu dan pastikan sebelum membeli sehelai kemeja korporat adalah saiznya. Adakah saiz yang anda pilih sepadan dengan saiz tubuh anda? Adakah ia terlalu kecil atau terlalu besar? Kini terdapat pelbagai jenis potongan kemeja. Slim fit antara yang semakin popular berbanding potongan klasik. Untuk anda berbadan besar, pilihlah saiz yang sepadan. Saiz terlalu besar membuatkan anda kelihatan lebih besar. Bagi mereka yang agak berotot, slim fit membuatkan anda tampil segak bergaya.

Oleh : @fadzilaripin

Monday, 12 June 2017

Agen Jualan Diperlukan

The most anticipated UNIFORM event of the year is back!
Create your own t-shirt design from scratch, upload your own artwork or ask an expert for design help. It's all possible in our state-of-the-art design lab with the best marketers in the industry.
Inspiring opportunitieseas
680 000 shirt design ideas
Professionalised perform
Upgrading organisation
09.00 am - 06.00 pm
Damansara Damai
Petaling Jaya
Don't miss out!
Jalan PJU 10/10A Saujana Damansara,, 47830, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

Friday, 9 June 2017

Google Play Business and Program

Google Play


1. Introduction

Google Play ("Google Play") is owned and operated by Google Inc. Your use of Google Play is subject to your agreement to the policies set forth below, which may be updated from time to time.

2. Google Play Business Policies

Returns: You have 15 minutes from the time of download to return any applications purchased from Google Play for a full refund of any applicable fees. You may only return a given application one time; if you subsequently purchase the same application again, you may not return it a second time. Where the option to return an application is available, it will be made available to you through the Google Play user interface. You may not return any Products other than applications.

Upgrades: Google Play does not provide upgrade functionality for any Products. If a Product offers free or paid upgrades, those upgrades must be obtained directly from the Developer responsible for the Product.

Reinstalls: You are allowed an unlimited number of reinstalls of each application obtained via Google Play.

Product Removals: From time to time, Google may discover a Product on Google Play that violates the Google Play Developer Distribution Agreement or other legal agreements, laws, regulations or policies. In such an instance, Google retains the right to remotely remove those applications from your Device at its sole discretion. If that occurs Google will make reasonable efforts to recover the purchase price of the Product, if any, from the originating Developer on your behalf. If Google is unable to recover the full amount of the purchase price, it will divide any recovered amounts between the affected users on a pro rata basis.

Chargeback and Billing Disputes: Google is not responsible for billing disputes arising from purchases on Google Play. All billing issues should be directed to the Developer in question, the payment processor, or your credit card company as appropriate.

Customer Support: Support for the use and operation of Google Play (including how to find, purchase, download, return and remove Products) is provided by Google in the user interface of the Google Play application. Google does not provide customer support for Products distributed by Developers on Google Play. Each Developer is responsible for determining the level of customer support they provide and you should contact them directly.

3. Google Play Program Policies

The Google Play program policies play an important role in maintaining a positive experience for Google Play merchants and users. These policies also help us curb abuses that threaten our ability to provide this service. We ask that everyone abide by these standards so that we can all enjoy Google Play. Violation of these policies may result in the denial of Google Play access or deletion of your Google Account. These policies may change at any time, so please check back here from time to time.

Nudity and Sexually Explicit Material
We don't allow content that contains nudity, graphic sex acts, or sexually explicit material. We also don't allow content that drives traffic to commercial pornography sites.

Google has a zero-tolerance policy against child sexual abuse imagery. If we become aware of content with child sexual abuse imagery, we will report it to the appropriate authorities and delete the Google Accounts of those involved with the distribution.

Violent or Bullying Behavior
Google Play should not contain materials that threaten, harass or bully other users.

Hate Speech
We don't allow the promotion of hatred toward groups of people based on their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, or sexual orientation/gender identity.

Only users 13 years of age or older are permitted to use Google Play, and users under 18 must have their parent or legal guardian's permission to use Google Play. If we become aware that a user is under 13, we will delete his/her account.

We don't allow impersonation of others or other behavior that is misleading or intended to be misleading.

Private & Confidential Information
Don't publish other people's private and confidential information, such as credit card numbers, Social Security Numbers, driver's and other license numbers, or any other information that is not publicly accessible. To protect your own privacy and your confidential information, be careful not to share any private or confidential information with others.

We will respond to clear notices of alleged copyright infringement. For more information or to file a DMCA request, please visit our copyright procedures at

Illegal Activities
Google Play should not be used for unlawful purposes or for promotion of dangerous and illegal activities. If found engaging in such activity, we may deny access to Google Play, terminate your account, notify law enforcement authorities, or take other appropriate action.

Malicious Products
Don't transmit viruses, worms, defects, Trojan horses, malware, or any other items of a destructive nature. We don't allow content that harms or interferes with the operation of the networks, servers, or other infrastructure of Google, carriers, or any third-parties. Spam, malicious scripts and password phishing scams are also prohibited on Google Play.

Prohibited Products
We don't allow products or services that violate Carrier Term of Service for allowed usage.

Reporting Abuse
If you believe that someone is violating these program policies, select the "Flag content" option under the Global Menu Functions within Google Play.

If you submit a content "Flag", we will review your report and take action if appropriate. Not all reports result in removal. We understand that sometimes people can do harm without meaning to, so we consider these cases carefully.


Sunday, 4 June 2017

Baju Korporat

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    Nak Tempah Baju Korporat untuk Persatuan Anda?

    Nak Tempah Baju Korporat untuk Persatuan Anda? KAMI ADA DESIGN BARU NI. . Boleh tukar warna Material kain yg selesa iaitu high quality pol...